This page describes the fields in the NLPL vector repository catalogue. The catalogue itself is a JSON file, for example, 20.json for the version 2.0 of the Repository.
All field except "id" are optional.
- "command": exact command which was run to train the model, for example, "word2vec -min-count 10 -size 100 -window 10 -negative 5 -iter 2 -threads 16 -cbow 0 -binary 0"
- "id": NLPL identifier of the algorithm (an integer)
- "name": human-readable name of the algorithm, for example, "Gensim Continuous Skipgram"
- "tool": tool used to train models with this algorithm, for example, "Gensim"
- "url": webpage of the tool used, for example, ""
- "version": version of the tool used, for example, "3.6"